
2010~2011 years ,

copy from tumblr .

time flies , 2010 was be my history last night .
2011 年会更好吗 ?希望吧 ^^

我的2010年是怎么一个年 , 想起来应该是充满了快乐,伤悲 。
快乐 ,
我有一班非常好的朋友 !
erm ,还有很多很多的事情 。
朋友一生一世走 ,
你们不能把我们都忘记 !
我真的很喜欢喜欢喜欢你们 。
像是我的家人 , 在我伤心难过的时候给予我支持 !

现在今天 ,1/1/2011 ,
18岁了大家 ,相信都是为自己的未来梦想而努力 ,
我们还会见面吗 ??
我不要与你们分开 。
希望我们大家都可以有着快乐的2011 .

我不知道该说些什么了 。
朋友们,加油吧 !
昨晚的倒数夜 ,真的很开心 ,
那烟花真的很美丽很漂亮 。
多么的想看多一次 ,
希望它不会停下来 。
真的很迷人 。我好喜欢 ,
我好喜欢看烟花烟火 。
它仿佛给了我希望 ,
象征着明天会更好 ,更会是一个很无比很快乐的一年 。
派对,与大家一同跳舞 ,玩玩火车对。
很快乐很HIGH .这就是我要的倒数夜 。

明天就要离开了 ,很不舍得 。 :(


fact .

sometime , we shall accept the fact .
erm .
sometime , we shall lower our target .
don't expect too much .
maybe ambition of me be a child psychologist further than the fact .
The fact bring me down and be my burden . a heavy burden . make me lost my direction .

i'm so jealous others ,.
they can choose their interested subject ,
no need worry about finance problem or somemore obstacle .
but , for me .
only can envy .. :(
my family not rich as other .
I can't choose the subject or college by my own .
I need to worry about my transport and fees problem .
I hate I dislike .
why not I study in my favourite college .

accept the fact , back to school . FORM 6




yesterday had going to sunway pyramid - ice -skating .
no longer happy or enjoyed . I dont know what are the reason ?
I had just know a tonz of question appear in my mind at that moment !
somemore , weird and feel down feeling * really because of it *
sigh , just throw it away :)
around 2.++ p.m , we left ice-skating and then ate our lunch at DROGAN-i
8 people spent RM308.20 . laugh-out-loud :-S
the boys want to buy their new clothes , no choice ,then the girls followed them .
but the boys walked in front of the girls , they enjoyed themselve = =
we just followed !
I had brought 2 pairs of shoes ,erm . for me is really worthly la .
because 2 pairs only for RM39.90 , what a good deal !
finally , the boys and the girls had seperated .
don't bother them .
yeah , had brought a t-shirt too from padini .
50% offer , after discount RM24.50 .
we meet up at F.O.S . haha .
SIMON had trying the girl's shirt which him don't the part is girl's department .
what a joke he hava making !
money flies . :(
when we going to BRAND OUTLET .
the shirt only 3 for RM50. .what the hell .!
I love it so much , but need to save money and no more money left .
just ignore it :( *but sob sob la *
then ROMP again , but the plant not my favour ..
just c.loong brought .
after that , we were going to bowling .
But i'm not playing la . haha . just sat at their and felt sleepy ..
after an hour , the clock swing to 7.++ .
then walked for awhile , the clock swing to 8.++ .
Wow , ate dinner at MC . but not yan and me la .
yan and me had brought the AUNTIE ....
erm , delicious la .. brought it next time =)
around 9.00++ , say bye to sunway and back home . :)
let pic be my ending .

i l u


who ?

我是谁 ?我连我自己都不了解,我怎么去了解别人 ?
连那么一点点的自信心也没有 * 您说的对*

加油 ,我相信可以的 !


说不出的话 ...

我会记住别人对我的好 ,
我也会去报答别人 。

你对我好 ,我自然会去对你好,
我也会对自己说 , “ 算了,忍忍就好了 ,要想以前你求人家的时候 是怎样的 。”
可是为什么 ? 我尊敬的您 却不会想想呢 ?

以前 ,没有人载我们姐妹去补习,
是谁载 ? 是谁一句怨话也没说就起身拿钥匙去载我们了。
是谁? 为什么不想想 ?
是谁在下雨的时候愿意七早八早会起来载我们姐妹去学校 ?
换作是别人 ,他们会理会我们吗?

老爸 , 你知道吗 ?
我真的很心痛看见你的行为 , 你的言语。
亲戚们是怎样对我们的 ?
为什么做人就不能随便一点 ?
为什么就是要那么的斤斤计较 ,那么的小气?
我看见也觉得很心痛 ,和你说, 你也会骂我!
可是 , 在我的字典里 , 只有 [ 知恩图报 ]
我们应该药报答 , 而不是计较 。
你明白吗 ?
为什么因为那些小事情就说出有 [ 骨头 ] 的话 。?
还有 , 最心痛就是看见你和二姑的关系 。
为什么就是要和他计较 ,我知道你们都是有错 。

我也不知道要怎么说了 ,
我能做的只有 ,报恩 。


hey ........

Thank GOD gave me a tons of friends , buddies .
They always cheer me up .
I love them more than myself , I treat them like my family .
Thank GOD let me meet them in my life .

These two days were my nightmare , feel like good-for-nothing .
woke up - breakfast / brunch - Tv -online - sleep - tv - online .
help my mum do some housework .
bored la man !!
I dislike this kind of lifestyle . LAUGH OUT LOUD =(
someone help me pls ?
Today went out with my mum ,
yea :) brought some daily necessities for my NS .
I know I've use my mum money and burden her .
feel so sorry to her . but I must give back her when I get my first job !
I need keep my bag right now , but I'm feel lazy ;(
urghhh , can someone help me pack ?haha ..
btw , I wanna to say : chong poh yee , dont try to mess up my room !
if I know you dare to do so , I will kill you and mess your room x1000 times .
hahahahaha . see , how evil am I ?? haha .. * joking *
24th December 2010 will going to chen loong's house for bbq party :)
yea :) but my dear-yaya yee absent on that day ,
so sad when I heard this news , I wanna always be with you , you know ?
I want give you a big hug indeed . * see I highlight this sentences * XD
haha ..



yea , i'm curiously on 'TUMBLR' recently ,
my tumblr , not really special . :)
there're nothings special , but have ' quote ' ' link ' ' picture ' text ' and counted on .

btw , is going started prepare my NS stuffs . photos , lotion , sunblock ,... Wow , really excited and expected the day coming , will you ?just now , I have went to him shop and need help . but the feelings ? erm , as usual , nothings special .. just like normal friend . This '' normal friend '' is special . HE let me suffering 2 years .urghh . but now , my heart isn't wounded and completely recovered ! WELL DONE . But guy , I really wish you can help me banking in the RM12 .( pls ) . in urgent need , pls .. >< .. Other's , haix .................... is ok :)


human being .

human aren't perfectness at all . Wherever you try to update yourself , your will also lose to others .You should accept somethings you can't acceptable *( but I can't )* is really , no one know my feelings right now ! The moment I choosen dont want to spoke out , I should know the feedback . I can't blame others , is my problem .The feelings of desperate always make me down down down ..


unquiet heart

我的梦想:心理学 ?
现实化 : buisness studies ?
我不想变成妈妈的负担 ,该怎么办?
学费好昂贵 ,谁能分担 ,我想一个人做工赚钱 ,可是我行吗?
该怎么好 ,?
即使能读到其中一个 ,可是交通呢 ?
2选1 ,却做不出选择,2样对我来说都是很重要 。
很矛盾 ,真的很羡慕其他人 ,不用那么烦恼 ,
羡慕他们已经可以读书 不用烦钱。
不要为了钱而活 ? 可是没钱万万不能 。
该怎么好 ??
有人可以告诉我 , 下一步该怎么走 ?




sometimes I prefer silence , at least that's will be less hurt . :)
* wink wink * , a nice day with my dear - yaya yee .
buy . buy . buy .
shopping .shopping . shopping .
YES , enough ! :">


That's awesome night .

昨晚上,我们去steambot庆祝dareen的生日还有over-spm party .
人没有到期 = =,
没关系 ,一切都有如我想象中的那么快乐 ,
今天的最后一个14号真的很特别 ,怎么特别呢 ?
考华语前 ,因为没有看到地上的‘粪便’ ,不小心搭上了 = = ,
正隆看见就 , ‘yes ,宝莹踩屎 .。” 。过后还要到处传,
my god , 气死我 ,不过我没有生气 ,就一直笑笑笑 。哈哈哈哈。
过了一阵 ,很大的异味传出来 ,还以为真的是我的鞋子中遭 ,
怎么知道没有 ,是他自己的鞋子遭殃 。哈哈哈哈。
那时候 , 全部的人都在笑他 。哈哈哈哈哈 。
该说是由报应还是幸运呢 ?哈哈哈。
我考试的时候, 一直忍住笑 , 哈哈哈哈哈哈。

到了晚上的时候,也是最期待的时候 ,
六点多就到了那边 , 大概七点就开动了 ,哈哈
只有miss star 和 mr .pig 迟到 。 = =
我们还说他们是说好的 ,哈哈 ,
怎么知道 ,他们还配合我们 。哈哈哈哈哈 。
还有惠元烧的那个食物 ,拿来当成mr .pig 的sperm .
lol = = , 完全忘记了那边是有人 ,全部一起大笑 ,哈哈哈哈哈。
真的是太痹了 。
过了一阵 ,bohong 吐在伟文的背后 ,
真的很好笑。。…………哈哈哈哈哈哈 。
很无辜的中遭 ,我们全部都在那边大笑 ,哈哈
哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 。
回想起来真的很好笑 ,很无奈。笑到不能停下来 。
拍了唯一一张照片就去next round , 唱K ,
很可惜miss star 不能跟我们去 。
haiz .我们一定还有机会的??对,一定 。
在K房里,真的很开心很兴奋也很HIGH ,
哟~!!大家在那边狂叫 ,应该是我吧了?哈哈
看,我也会唱K 的 ^^

怎么样 ,谢谢你们 ,开心因为你们。我们还有机会见面的 !加油。
the spirit never end , it will be last forever .
I love you , my classmates .

【 他 】 彻底的消失了,啊哈哈哈。开心 ~


over ...heavy-hearted ..

spm 终于考完了 ,当然什么压力也跑掉了,( 哇哈哈哈哈哈)
今天的华语怎么样??只有??不知道啦 ,不去想啦 。
考过就好了 ,

其实有很多东西想写 , 可是却写不出 = =
算吧 ,自己明白就好啦 ^^

* 朋友们 ,想你们 ,我们一起出去疯吧 *


pay it forward

''PAY IT FORWARD'' .part of the spm english paper title ..
I have seen this movie before , extremely touching and make me cry T_T
human , if you are giving 3 chances , what will you do these chance ?
for me :
- ) wish my family good in health and happy
- ) wish my friends happy and staying happy forever
-) for someone .. not the date now .

haix , if human being didn't have any emotional or feelings ,
can you imagine how the best !? ( facing some critikal problem now )
but where the solution ? erm .. no right ?
just enjoying now ? yes , i did
but , as a normal human , people are not contented easily ?yes , agree ..
once you got a stuff or things ,like bad ,branded shirt .
you will automatic try to get another branded .. yes , agree

but except this , will do appease easily ? can't la
LOL = = .


毕业后 ?

还有一科华语就正正的离开SMK JINJANG了

一转眼 ,就5年了 。
很老实的说 ,我还未进中学的时候,我真的很讨厌这所学校 。

我一直要求妈妈让我进独中 ,可是妈妈负担不起 ,学费好昂贵 。
最后,还是选择了这一所 。

FORM 1 的时候 ,成绩不想输人 ,又被放在学校的第5班 ,
不服输 ,所以每一次的考试都第一名 ,总品均也没有少过800分 。
到了中二-中三 。成绩就慢慢滑下来了 ,
PMR的时候 ,
感觉自己很差很差 ,因为在trial 的时候,我只是一个A罢了 ,
感觉自己真的很差 ,PMR成绩一定很不理想 。
可是也拿到了5A,我很开心很兴奋 ,那成绩那一刻我哭了

哈哈 。想到也是 变成 “ = = ” 这样 罢了 。
哈哈 。!

中四的那一年 ,是我最讨厌 也最懒惰的一年 ,
很不用功的一年 ,我从未在学校上课的时候睡觉 ,
在这一年,我睡到很夸张 , 想在都有点无奈 。
朋友们都知道我来学校 只是 :睡觉 ,上厕所,睡觉,上厕所
成绩也没有眼睛看 ,二十多分 也不在乎 。
很费才的一年 ,可是这一年,我感觉到班的融洽了

中五了 ,毕业了

最开心的一年 ,在你们的面前才是最原始的我 ,
我很快乐,也只是你们 。
我们的回忆可以写成一本书了 ,
这本书 。充满了快乐,伤心,失望。无奈,愤怒

我们的班都是分成2派 ,当然我们这一派都是占大部分的人 。
某一天,我感觉到我们这一班没有了班派,全部都很一致,真的 。

朋友们 ,我们都是一起出去玩的,你们不会忘记吧?


我们一起讨厌我们的BIOLOGY ,MORAL老师 。
还有那天 。我和你们说,吃鼻粪可以促进新城代谢吗?我还带了报纸给你们看。
还有,我们都很爱玩 。
我们也很懒惰 ,很少交功课 。
国语老师最爱说的“ini budak semakin malas !"然后就一巴打来我们的肩旁。
还有很多的。我不会忘记 。因为我
♥你们 。

现在 ,我们都各分东西了 ,
见面的机会也没有人晓得 ,
但是,我不会我和你们的一点一滴给忘记 。
你们给了我勇气 ,给了我快乐。
有你们女生的肩旁 ,我永远不怕伤心没有人安慰 ,没有人依靠 。
即将到来2011年 ,
大家18岁的到来 ,期待吗?
还好吧 ,因为现在短短的几天里 。
我已经感觉到人生没有了方向 。
把书本都给扔掉了 ,房里都变成空空的 。
一时之间 ,很接收不到 。
习惯了 ,考试时期桌子都布满了书本 ,留给自己的仅剩下三分之一的空位。
亲爱的 ,我真的很不习惯 。

最讨厌分离的感觉 ,
毕业的那天 ,我的眼泪已经哭得胡里哗啦了。

亲爱的 ,我很舍不得你们

张宝莹-完 。


Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
-Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa‘s life quote gave me spirit to move on :D .
SHE ewpowered me all the time . THANKS . :)

yea :) . yesterday went I u with my classmates ,
so happy * x1000000 time *
haha .. ><
I had bought one short plant , one shirt , one cut in ..
damn enjoying , I have not finished my shopping yet ,
forever 21 make me favourite , ^^
lol = = , reluctant to buy a shirt worth RM99 ,
but it's really beautiful , buy for me pls ><""
next time , I will going TIMESQUARE too , hope can buy some T-shirt !
btw , I have also ate the food from NEW YORK DELI where may chong introduce me before :)

time gone very fast , back home and bath already 9.30p.m ..
but , I have no dare to fall asleep ..
because I scare = = "


inspiration ❤

yea :) have just finished my biology paper . My feelings like all the burden have move away from my shoulder . SPM only leave BC , not interested subject for me :( .. Maybe the teacher make me feel bc so boring . But as a chinese , I still take bc in my SPM .. :)
the following holidays , enjoy my shopping . and I decided reading to improve my english for my further use .. ..

I'm not sure I will sucess or not , but I will try my best to finish it :) *just enjoying *

everythings be fine , dont thinks so much ^^


有你们 ,我的生活充满了色彩 。
我很开心 ,因为你们带给了我快乐 。


starbucks ♥

3 people went for jusco . starbucks for revision .
yeah :)
damn happy and enjoying .haha :)
haha :]
then 3 of us walked back to chen loong house ,
because he need sent us back ^^
chen loong and yaya yee felt the journay damn long ,
but for me , is ok la .. because I like to walk ..kaka ..
I had trying walked from kepong - my house .. total time taken : 45 minutes
I'm so proud of this .. ><
The hot dog make my lips swallon , damn it !

anyways ,
I realize my friends are being important character in my life ,
without you all , I cant imagine what will happen !

about '' that news " that the girl want to tell me ,
my choice is prefer dont want to know ,
I don't want spoilt my mood anymore .. :}

let's us counted the days ,we leave the exam hall !^^


leave .

check from website , is dead sure I will go NS soon .
First badge , and the date from 2/1/2011-13/3/2011 .
location : perak :)
when I check it out , I extremely excited .haha
that's not any obstacle for my further study !
yea :) haix , Friends , I gotta leave .
but I will miss you all ,
some of my friends go sarawak , sabah .
yerr .. only me at perak !BOY !

BTW ,yesterday , had attended a talk about earning money .
I wish my mother will promise me @.@
praying *
If I sucess , the income will be infinity !!!
and I no need worry about my U and oversea program !!


spm period ,

7 subjects to go :)

god bless me please ! ...

bm and bi paper still can do , but the history are killed me badly !

i hate YOU so much !! ..

I have my words want to write down ,

but now isn't the time .

after spm , I'll writting down .:D

lad and lass , bye and take care ..

GOOD LUCK , bibby chong poh yin .



time off to past , SPM is started by tomorrow . I told my mum I really tension and failed to fulfilled my words before I said .. Well , nothings else can share , these few days were busy for searching some hot topic essay and go through it .wish all the best . :)
friends , half loaf better that none . let's us fight for our brighten future :D


= S

距离考试越来越靠近了 ,
我很紧张,很害怕 。
怎么办好 ??

昨晚 , 我很疲倦很累,眼睛很疼 。
往常的我 ,一定很快就入眠了 ,
可是 ,昨晚 ,我无法入眠 。
这样的状况 ,已经持续了好几天了 ,
天啊 ,快考试了 ,为什么要让我这样??

我不要这样 :S 。
心情真的差到爆 ,脸上的痘痘很多了啊 。><
是压力吗 ?还是自己找来的?
为什么在朋友面前 ,我可以很自在的大笑 ?毫无压力的呢 ?
对。我就是要这样的生活 !
可是 ,
踏入张家大门的时候 ,仿佛变成了另一个张宝莹 。
面对着家人 ,不是应该要更加快活的吗?
不 ,我就是做不到 。
看着家人对我的期望 ,我就快憋不过气来了 。
我不是天才 ,我不是才子 。
但 ,我也不能让你们失望 。 ><"
尤其是那个出名 ‘ 八公 ’ 的爸爸 ,我知道你也是不要让人看衰 ,
也是爱面子 。我记得在我PMR的时候 , ............... !
可是现在是SPM ,我或许不能在让你在别人面前威风了,对不起 :(
我真的觉得很内疚 ,对不起 。但是,我一定会尽力的 !
妈妈一直劝我放轻松 ,不要自己给自己带来那么多的压力 ,
我有,我真的有 。 可是 ,当我想起别人怎么看待我们的时候 ,
我就不能了 ,我是不会给人看衰 的。
或许 ,张家的后代都是这样吧 。堂哥姐他们的个性都是这样。
我喜欢他们 ,喜欢他们那些很懂事的性格。
他们书念不多 ,可是却很成熟 ,我很仰慕你们 。
因为为你们,我更加有动力了 。你们也很疼我和妹妹 。
我是感觉出来的 。
尤其是堂姐 ,有时候比起我 ,我觉得我更加吝啬 。
我有什么不足的时候 ,你是第一个把东西借我们的。
换作是我 ,我还会三思 。 :S 。
很内疚 。 。。

昨晚 ,我真的很需要找人诉苦 ,
可是为什么去找别人诉苦的时候 ,却感觉到更加无助?
为什么每次我想找你诉苦的时候 ,你却给我冷淡又无用的答复 ?
我搞不清 ,我把你当成好朋友 ,更加想得到你的慰问与协助 。
可是却... ...... ..... ...
难当就真的没有一个人可以彻彻底底的了解我吗 ?
我的性格就是情绪化 ,
这一秒可以很快乐,下一秒就变成MOODY了 。
很怪吧?其实我也不要这样的 。

: time not much left , just try to cover all the topic . :D


A weary smile ..

A ton's of story storing inside my heart ,
Let the story start from last saturday .
a girl went to the quick foto shop ,
she went there for repairing her photo camera ,
The girl saw the man of liking , but she pretend dont know him .
she feel fedup , but she really dont know what can do ..
when she awaiting for the camera , she listen the man phone to someone ..
The heart of the girl leaps up , and not feeling well ..
She feel like crying , but didn't do so .
The girl still caring the man of liking since 2 years ago .. .. ..

The study leave are getting close .
In these few days , the girl really miss the man of liking .
she wish can see him , but the fate always take her away .
the relationship between the girl and the man of liking really end up ?
anymore chance ?


new story life :)

Awaiting for the spm now .. and yet ,I'm really worry about it ..Feel like nothings ..damn suffering . When I open the book , eyes is getting smaller and smaller . finally , I fall asleep . ! .. How I overcome the weak subject ?! I totally need a leader who can guide me into the deadline ! yes , who can be ? .. I seen need to find my neighbour 17 years + classmate 2 years friend ! .. chemistry , biology , add math , physics , sejarah , YOU ARE TOTALLY killed me ! .. I try to love those subject ,but I failed ..I dont want my result bad like the shit .. who can help me ????? .. who can lend their help ?? ... ><"

off and ready revision now ..
Friend ,
where you guys now , I miss you .. :)
朋友 ,你们在哪里?我想你们了 。。


终于 。

毕业典礼也结束了 ,我很好 。我没有哭 。
很珍惜与你们同在一起 ,真的 !

你们会忘记我吗 ? 我真的很爱你们。
可以不要忘记我吗 ?
可以不要忘记我这个笑超大声 ,超不顾仪态的吗 ?
可以不要忘记我这个很喜欢上厕所的女同学吗 ?
可以不要忘记我吗 ?
可以不要忘记我很喜欢吃巧克力与hello kitty的女生吗 ?
可以不要忘记我这个朋友吗 ?
可以不要忘记我笑的样子吗 ?那个笑得看不到眼睛的女生吗 ?

可以不要忘记我吗 ?可以吗 ?
可以不要忘记我是个很傻很三八的女生吗 ?
我很不舍得你们 。 ><

今天又和你们相聚啦, 我们去老地方 ,FRIM .

我们一起用BRUNCH ,哈哈 。
很喜欢与你们聚在一起 ,谢谢你们 。
感恩与感谢 。
珍惜 !

看了CODY弄得VIDEO ,我一边看一边哭 。
短短的2年 ,回忆却很多很多 。
班上的关系真的很好 。

心酸酸 ,可是我忍 ,我要学会放下



还是选择写华语吧 , 哈哈 .
我要我的英文进步 ,所以一直都学习用英文写blog ,
遇到不会的生字就去查字典 , 哈哈 :D
真的可以进步很多 。

嗯 :D 倒数1天 可以【 XX 】 。
可是机会几乎只剩下 0.05G 吧 ,哈哈 。
心中的不舍当然会有 ,还是很多!
可以进到面的机会几乎等于‘ 鸡蛋’ 吧 。突然很不想毕业 , :(
2年前 , 还可以碰碰机会 ,因为还有中四和中五吧 ,
可以现在中五了 ,去哪里找机会啊 ?
anyway . 就这样吧 , 心里的怀念与想念 就阁下一边(收住)吧 ,
况且你也有你的快乐与 幸福 , 祝福你吧 :)

昨晚 ,我睡不着 ,因为喝了那杯‘茶’ = =
my god , 很累可是眼睛就是关不下 。
同时也超出了我以往票准10.00的睡眠时间 ,因为已经11.15分了 。
想拿起sejarah继续读 ,可是还是不要啦 。
想找‘好朋友’聊天 , 可是还是不要啦 。
就想起2年前的东西吧 , 或许你们觉得很多余 。
but , 这是我的私事 ! :)哈哈 。

可是最重要的5A10,我们快要毕业了 。
星期五 的 我们 穿上毕业服 ,正正的从学校毕业了 。
期待那一天的我们 !
喂 :D ,
不要stop我大笑咯 ,哈哈 。
因为我不知道几时又有机会大大声笑的咯 ! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 :)

我很喜欢我的班同学 ………



我需要 一双聆听的耳朵 。
我需要把我心里的不满与疲倦发泄出来 。
我真的很累 :C

可是看见时间日期越来越靠近 ,
心里的恐惧真的真的不知道要怎么说 。

当我想和身边的好朋友诉苦的时候 ,
这个说要出去了,那个又没有回信 。
我也不知道要怎么好 ?

桌面上的书 ,更令我烦厌 !
整个桌子都是纸张和课本 。
拿起了这本,却觉得别的科没怎么动到 。
怎么办好 ?

昨天的下午 ,我没有动过书 ,
试着去把自己放松 ,整天困在房里 ,我怕我会溺毙 !哈哈
也去把张家的2号宝贝接回家了 。
他是个男生 ,真的很可爱 ,有着红红肥肥的脸蛋 !
这样家里就更加热闹了 !

也和堂姐妈妈他们聊了, 我这个人就是很喜欢担忧。
随便一件事情就可以把我烦死 ~
我和他们说出我的心声 , 我害怕自己的成绩考不好 ,
拿不到奖学金 ,让他们失望了 :C
我是个输不起的人 ,也不喜欢别人赢过我!
对~我就是这样 。
他们对我说 ,现在什么也不重要 。
重要的是 ,你要用你100个的心去考好这次的成绩 !
可是,我办到么 ? 我会让他们失望吗 ? 我真的不想让他们失望 ~
堂姐说 ,读大学的事情可以慢慢想 ,看成绩出了 才做打算也不算迟啊 ~
对,我也这么想 ,或许我会比朋友们迟一年才进吧 。
最重要还是自己 ,

考完试后,把自己放松 。
可能去一趟新加坡吧 ,和我的POH WEEI叙旧 ! 哈哈
希望 可以吧 ,
加油 :)

宝莹 ,nothings is impossible , go for it !
dont let the exam against YOU !



why student should take the exam ?! , why student should do somethings them dislike ?!


everydays do the exercise , revision , but the result also same like the SHIT .! .

why I dislike other genuis ? why someone didn't even do a single exercise or revision also can obtain the highest mark ?!

tell me why ?



my target :D => S003 . <= cool man , pink colour !
when available in malaysia ?
hope can get it ASAP ..
I want save money and get it !



Addicted to '' GOOD-BYE '' : Album: My Love (2005).Janice (Wei Lan) Vidal .
the lyrics represented my feelings right now . erm .
izit somethings weird ? maybe the days we gotta to leave this school is coming soon .
I didn't get a opportunity to ask somethings about you , or somemore else .
yek *

five days holidays are the best for me to do last mins recall ,
yesterday , I have did the history revision .
Actually is not tough like the hell , whole days hold the textbook and finished until chapter 4 form 5 .. yea :) . .
hope I wont forget la .. gud luck !
I must finish all the chapter within these few days ..

btw , even I'm not prefer alone , but the senario is forcing me to be alone !
HUMAN ! , can you imagine , there's not one in home , except you ?
it's totally a grisly day. arghhhhh .


Faith .

deep breath before start my story :)

keep the faith and trust myself can do it well , SPM is around 22 days if not mistaken .. Honestly,included the PMR , SPM is my second time sit for exanmination indeed of tension and worry .. :( .. Compared to PMR , SPM is rather hard exam .. The syllabus is totallty different since I step on the form 4 life . But , I very regreting to said " why I'm not serious when during the form 4 ? " . I knew it's useless or rubbish ! The first day of form 5 school life , I told to myself " no more playful days' no more sleeping days' .. " I must fulfill my words where I said wanna take course in psychology . So , I work harder , study harder in my form 5 .. 4 out of 7 days , I went for tuition . I repeat this tuition life whole year , I swear i'm just absent 2-3 days with accepted reason ! I concentrated when I am studying * except history * I also can't believe I can maintain this style until end of the year ... * wink wink * Now , is time to face somethings students dislike - SPM .. yea :) ..
poh yin - you want know that , it's possible for you work hard ! you might feel stressful , tension ,or you're trying escape ! But , be smart , you should feel the happiness when you accept the '' result '' .. I believe there's no more tension or stressful , because it is worthly ! :)

be positively , I believe poh yin can do well in the incoming SPM EXAMINATION ..support her and believe her wont give up and will fight until last mins .. yea :)

" HALF LOAF BETTER THAN NONE " , all the best .
good luck :)


Do not let the sun go down with anger around.

* copy someone action *

今天都有种闷闷不乐的心情 ,
不是因为什么因素 ,
是因为就快毕业了 。

还有六天 , 六天后,
回忆起来 ,感触真的很多很多 。

同班了2年 ,有些甚至3年-4年 。
可是 , 大家的关系都是在这2年了 ,
慢慢的了解 ,慢慢的学会关心 。

我们这一班 ,不怎么特别 ,
可是 ,搞怪 , 爱玩 就是我门的特性 。
每次都是给老师投诉不交功课 ,很吵 。

我们这一班 ,不怎么特别 ,
可是为了朋友,就很够义气 ,
遇到一些‘老师’ 来骂,惩罚 班上的同学,
就会一直去说,讨厌那些老师 。

我们这一班 ,
永远都充满着快乐 ,
笑声 , 喧闹 声 ,永远只属于5a10

我的3位好朋友 ,
没有了你们的鼓励 ,我也不敢想自己是一个怎么样的人 。
谢谢你们 ,在我最不开心的时候 ,都在我身旁 。

或许 ,我真的让你们失望了。
我的固执让我自己也受不了 ,
当然我也知道,我不应该为了某些人一直执著下去 ,
我知道,一直都是我一厢情愿 ,
有些事情 ,你们不让我知道也是为了我好 。
谢谢你们 。

下课,出去玩 。
我都很喜欢 ,有种很温馨的感觉 。
一起说’ 笑话‘
一起大笑 。!


Do not look for faults, find remedies.

i LOVE YOU , 5a10 =)
the best friend I ever been in my life ,
friends , the days we can together : 2-3 weeks ..
* sob * ..

you must keep ahead !
no doubt , everythings go as smooth as possible :)
keep on :D
trust myself ,
chemistry not such that difficuit !
you can do it , you know ?

stop , you're not mine .. That's are not possible for me to do so :(
everythings must have a pretty ending ( but not mine )
the cruel , the unpleasant was always happen on myself .
I hate that feelings . . . ><"

haiz , I gotta go :)
bye , a little post here to bewrite my feelings .


A warm smile unlocks many doors.

smile can brings life go easy  :)  

23 . 10 . 10 spm : 30days
school day

today was a school day ,
very glad , because last day of the '' kerja amal '' .
I must let my hands back to normal .
no more coarse ! haha .. :D

LOL = =
I want finish my biology between these two days ,
on perhaps , I have finished form 4 chapter and form 5 chapter 1
So , 5 more chapters to go :*(
sob * * *
can I finish it ? I also dont know , I will try my best :)
lesson as usual * boring man ! *
but , my english get A ..
seriously ,
hope school won't change the rules ,
hope , I can wear the '' cap and gown '' during graduation !

I will less on , and more concern on study !

intake january or may ? * faint *


无奈 = =

all and sundry , and good afternoon .
yea :) is time to blogging now ,
my blog not special as others ,
but , I will try to update my daily life ..
I ensure it was a best way to record my life either sad , happy , tension or madness!

the only one , bibby chong poh yin .
no one can replace me ! ^^

erm , 22/10 .. spm : 31 days to go ..
today , as usual need to do the kerja amal ( punishment of the sayangthon ) : ( .
what the hell , today was third days going ..
sighs , one more week to go !!
It was totally ashamed me !
my hand gonna coarse !
even I have rub lotion everyday .. : S BOY !!!
haha .. :)

some of the teacher didn't present among this week .
damn boring and feel for nothing ..
just do some revision .. haha ..

btw , I very happy of my english essay paper .
I scored 71/85 and the others paper still dont know yet ..

* 6 credit is mine now *
expected the day coming .. :)

5a10 , we must fight together : D


try my best : )

hey ,
spm just left 32 days :)
for me , is more tension and tension .
nothing can do , just try my best to recover all the subjects !

although , it's was a harder matter ,
but , at least I had try it !

So , go on . dont give up ..
for you , my friend too :)

let's fight for our future ,
there's no one can change your life , except yourself .

5A10 , I love you !
apperciate '' when we are together '' ,
haiz ,
counter the days we can stick together just only : 2 more months(include the spm days )
haha.. hope we won't forget each others !
our class = 5A10 = spirit = 气势
we solve the problem or somemore else together ,
we celebrate birthday together ,
we help those in troublesome together ,
we '' hate '' some kind of teacher together ,
we went out for movie , lunch ... together ,
there are too much memory you gave me !
I will not forgot one of them . . .
I feel so proud because of them !


day after days ..

Today was not a pretty monday .
the heavy rain was started when I get ready to school :(
shit !!
It was rather troublesome ,
first , my family no any car .
second , I need walk back home under a hot condition !

luckily , my uncle fetched my sister and me to school ,
thanks you so much ..
treasure what you gave us !
when I reached school , it's still early and not many pupils ..
as usual , rain didn't have assembly ,
what a boring day !
before the teacher coming , went to toilet ..
yea :)if you are friend , you will know ,that's is my habit !
Thanks GOD ! I saw you , nope !
is my friend saw you ,
super duper hate myself didn't wear spectacle at that moment !
LOL = = "
I thought you drop out school ..

btw , mr.loke had planning a timetable for us ..
love it so much .. at least can reduce my stress where I had facing now !
hope I can fulfill it as well as I can ..
poh yin , you can did it ! keep ahead !

others , the education fair held in my school ..
I took some information about UTAR !
go through all the data ,
is really make me confused !
I scare I will regret when I taking the psychology ..
the opportunity for me get a job is easy or tough ?
I still dont know yet !
sighs ..

maybe I will taking another course ,
erm , how about the financial or banking ?

lol = =
throw it away first ,
the most important for me now is DID WELL IN SPM !!

tell you , i pass my add math and chemistry !
happy happy =)


这一切 .

复杂的心情 , 我不知道自己在想什么了,
挣扎了好久 ,

究竟是什么东西让我这么烦恼 ?
我自己也不了解 ,矛盾 !

真希望 ,唉 ;(

我要的很简单 ,每天快乐就行了!
可是不是不件事情都是这样 !

很想把头脑给清空 。
我真的很累 ,可是当我把眼睛闭上来的时候,

以前的往事 ? 还是课业上的问题 ?
连我自己也搞不懂 。

用课业来把自己搞地很大压力, 很忙?
我不知道 。

唉 *(

当这一切过了,就不会再回来 ,回忆也会慢慢的忘记 :)
或许留下的只有你的,名字 。

*清醒点,不可能的 *


never know : C

could you know my feelings right now ?
could you know what is my feelings when i accept the exam paper ?
you couldn't know my feelings ..

cry whole the school lesson ,
lol ..
i forgot this is the XXtimes le ?

but , i can admit that .
this is the first time I cry for my exam ..

sighs ..
I was so tired until I dont want to do any work again .. =(


feel lost :(

I cant smile / laugh now .
damn moody ..I was bowed with frustration !
haiz ..
physics paper 3 have just finished ,
that's mean the trial was have a pretty ending ..
but , SPM just arround the corner ..

phy teacher was give us the paper 1 answer ..
I was rather disappointed ..
27/50 .. A was gone .. my target was 30 and above ,
but ,now .. sighs ! =(
the most I expected on ,the most I put effort on ,
always make me down ..

when I was marking on my question paper ,
my hands was starting tremble ..
This was the first time , is really ..

After knew my mark , my tears is ready to drop ..
but , I controlled myself ..
I whimper inside my heart ..
I turn into EMO , I no dare talk to others ..
if I did it , my tears will drops anytime ..

after school , by bus go to tuition ..
I cry inside the bus .. =( T.T
The feelings of hopeless , the feelings of lonely suddenly were appear in my mind !

I hate this feelings , cause it's not belongs to me ..

luckily , I still got my tuition friend ..
I love them ..
the friendship between them , i was apperciate ..
this week is the last week of tuition ,
I will remember you , you ,and you all the single moment ..
the happiness you gave me is infinity !

I love my friend ! hope we still got chance meet up !

haiz ,
cheer's up , girl !


smile ; D

oh yeah , one more paper to go :D

I just allow myself rest one days only !
after this , I needed prepare my SPM .
I believe , I can do it well !
yeah ..

weird feelings ,
sighs , I was going crazy !
somethings is still keeping inside my heart ,
I am not suppose to speak out now !
I want improve my english .

I am still keeping someone photo ,



dream : D

I miss my hair : [

listening : I have a dream . WESTLIFE .
is starting fall in love with them
the song make me powerful ! =)

yea :D ,
one more subject , two more days ,
my trial is getting closed !
but , SPM is needed to countdown !
lol .. = =
super duper worried about my result !
: (

I love physics
I love add math
I love Biology ,
but I hate chemistry ..
the term make me confuse , BOY !!!!!

YUP , ..
the last paper is Physics ,
I told myself ,:" I must scored it ! "
hope , I can get it !

chong poh yin , you must sucess your words !
trust yourself , you can do it ! * a big grab *

I expect on my college life .
I expect on my working life .
I expect the feelings of graduate !
I want know the feelings ,
when I wear up the formal attire , stand in front of the college mates,giving them a talk ..
That's I expected on !
I expect that moment ,
when I having my own laptop , is busy doing my assigment !
I wish my dream will come true : D

yea ! chong poh yin !
put more effort :)


same path . same place .

Today is the day I unwanted or expected ?
Yea , holidays is getting started today ,
because the pmr candidates will started their paper by tomorrow ..
that's meant , just few of classes back to school ..
damn it , my class also included .
other , I also needed to complete the biology paper ..
= =

There's same place , same path , same memory ,
but different feelings and memory ,
I found that , my feelings for you are deeper and deeper ...

lol , look out the classroom ,
the tree are shaking ,
I miss that moment ! ..


珍惜 ...

考试 . 考试 . 考试 .
is going drive me crazy !!
很压力 ,
单单一个ADD MATH 已经弄得我发疯了 .
希望这次的考试可以很顺利 =)
哎 ;C
这几天都睡不好 ,半夜就起来了 ,
所以整个人都很疲倦 ,心情也不好了。

今天放学后的心情 ,也不好 。
还是我有恐惧感了呢 ?
我自己也不知道 ,
哎 ;C
真的很累 。

有时候 ,觉得是不可能的 , 为什么还要逞强呢 ?

珍惜生命 :)


sob =(

我很不开心 ,
心真的很不舒服 ,很想哭 。
不,我不能这样 !

是因为考试太过于担心吗 ?
仿佛感觉时间不够 ,

今天 ,
妈妈吩咐我们做家务 。
可是我发脾气了 =(

不是我要和你计较 ,可是有时候你不觉得有点过分吗?
我又不是特地不要做家务的 ,
我的考试 ? 我的压力 ?

唉 ;(



yup :D
I look on my preview status , I wrote that I still got 10 more days for my trial ..
but , now only leave 1 day .. =(
GOD .. why the time gone so fast ..
I wish one day have 48 hours for me , that's enough until the max ..
extreamly nervous , scared , .... ,
I am trying to relax down , when I put all my things down ,
the feelings of unstable appear again =) *hypertension *
super buzy two days ago ,
yup , buzy for tuition ..
I was wearing the stupid school uniform from morning until the night .
Now , I really know how was the feelings of '' tired "
*sigh *
tomorrow I will completed my BC paper , lol ..
my bc knowledge = zero .. ><
= = = = = = = == = = = =

keep crossing my fringers and pray for it [ GOD ] ..
wish my trial pass smoothly ..
thanks ..


I didn't mind indeed ?

yea .. weird feeling ..
haiz .. I dont know how is the feeling right now ..
last night , chat with your friend , he told me somethings about you ..
but , he not really tell me all about that !

I cannot change the fate ,
is the fate change my life ,
not everythings as easy as we thinks indeed ..
I think I could change my life but not depend on the fate ,
but the answer always make me down ..

So ,
always remind myself " you not a cup of my tea "
hope I can do that ..
* wink wink * let's smile .. =))

school will reopen by next week ,
i wish that day can be '' reach '' a bit early ,
the boring holidays , I hope will have a pretty ending ...
haha .. : D


short break

亲爱的 ,当你面对压力的时候,该怎么去解压呢?
害怕考试的到来 =(
害怕自己考不到理想的成绩 。

为什么时间过得那么的快 ?
以前 ,时间该走得快的时候 ,却很慢 ;现在却........ 。
但是 ,
算一算 ,自己也浪费了很多很多的时间 。
生气自己为什么之前不要每天温习功课 。
生气自己为什么头脑那么迟钝 ,为什么吸收能力那么差 。
我很羡慕那些头脑很像电脑的人 。

这星期的开始 ,
我也很努力的温习biology , chemistry , sejarah ..
一边温习,一边担忧 。
很努力的让自己明白 。

我记得那晚的梦 ,
我梦到自己的考试失败 ,真的很害怕。
就放空让自己休息 =)

加油 ·!



hey ,
extreamly busy for these days .
everyday did the same event make me get tired .
tuition = my life = my favourite = my hobby =)
no choice , i need fight for my SPM .
Be honest ,I worry my result indeed =(
two weeks later , I will sit for my TRIAL SPM ..
damn tension and nervous ..
I need recover up 10 subjects within these 14 days , can I ?
I really need someone help .. ><
GOD , I hope that present of YOU .
haha ..

as normal , guys ..
THURSDAY , this day was a bit different compare to previous thursday .
cause , i need rush with the time =)
after school , take a bath , finished my lunch , bach to school again = =
the purpose was [ attend the phy class = = ] lol ..
luckily , can keep abreast of my tution class =)

FRIDAY , I love you all - 5a10 ..
i apperciate you all to the max : D
my life cannot live without you all ,
I could found the happiness , sadness , cheerful , laughing , ... from you all ..
my dearest , wish we will not forgot each others one day later .

Seriously , I really excited today coming ..
one of the reason are , I was going to HELP , my favourite school .
wish can be their student one day later . =)
2nd reason are , I can seen my dearest again , buddy ♥
kaka =)
unexpected , I saw my tuition friend ,
he sat in front of me .. haha ..
said hello , bye bye to him ..
.. .. .. .. .. ... ..

my day was had a pretty ending , how about your ? haha
I wish too =)

if you dislike text with me , pls tell me , dont simply reply me with single word ..


a days ♥

hey :)
i decided back here to complete my diary or others life journay ..
recently ,
pass as normal ..
school .. tuition .. movie .. shopping ..
God ..
no choice , I should make a change on my life .
but , not now ..
after SPM , i need serve for n.s ..

