Today was not a pretty monday .
the heavy rain was started when I get ready to school :(
shit !!
It was rather troublesome ,
first , my family no any car .
second , I need walk back home under a hot condition !
luckily , my uncle fetched my sister and me to school ,
thanks you so much ..
treasure what you gave us !
when I reached school , it's still early and not many pupils ..
as usual , rain didn't have assembly ,
what a boring day !
before the teacher coming , went to toilet ..
yea :)if you are friend , you will know ,that's is my habit !
Thanks GOD ! I saw you , nope !
is my friend saw you ,
super duper hate myself didn't wear spectacle at that moment !
LOL = = "
I thought you drop out school ..
btw , mr.loke had planning a timetable for us ..
love it so much .. at least can reduce my stress where I had facing now !
hope I can fulfill it as well as I can ..
poh yin , you can did it ! keep ahead !
others , the education fair held in my school ..
I took some information about UTAR !
go through all the data ,
is really make me confused !
I scare I will regret when I taking the psychology ..
the opportunity for me get a job is easy or tough ?
I still dont know yet !
sighs ..
maybe I will taking another course ,
erm , how about the financial or banking ?
lol = =
throw it away first ,
the most important for me now is
tell you , i pass my add math and chemistry !
happy happy =)