start from this week , will be more free because classes had finished already .
just left tomorrow test and friday presentation , then I gonna say goodbye for my sem 2
time flies and shall admit and promise and force myself not give any excuse to fail my or get unexpectated result again ! " EXCUSE ALWAYS MAKE PEOPLE FAILED !" . one of my motivation :) .

my first handmade assignment , seriously I very proud of this . I could not believe I can done it with this results , with simon's idea and papa helping and mama advicing . = I done I done =
frankly to say , I AM NOT WILLING to put it at school lab . I want to put at my room as decoration . my little hand . :)

lovely jane . :) , when jane redo her model assignment . I try to fit my head into the hole of the cardboard . I can fit it and we are so happily when captured the picture . We don't even care other people sight and opinion . :) .
and one more thing to go ! . we are keep nagging why OT gonna do graphic design's job !! . huh .^_^

one is mine , one is jane . :))
Oh ya , cousin had came back from singapore for vacations . what the day that I expected for many times many days . finally they did . lovely poh wei and me chat a lots .haha . and yet we went shopping and the result I can concluded is " next time gonna shop start from 10am " . ^_^
I will struggle with some problems , but mom always be my good listener .
even I can't get rid of it , mom also will give me best advise .
but say through my heart . I can't stand by anymore , don't know what the day I am going mad !
haix . but , just comfort myself , I can get the benefits at the last .