even just one day can stay with them , but I like n enjoyed ! . wahahaha . :)))))))
we had took 10.20 a.m bus , 11 people .
roughly 11.30a.m , we have been reached there !
arghhhh . 3.30 p.m just can check-in !
oh my goodness , what can we do ?
oh yeahhhhh . shopping time ! haha .
three girls one boy , * i think dareen must be felt boring at that moment *
haha .
when I walked into BUMCITY . a malay girl introduce me lipstick and blush !
somemore , she asked me izit came from CHINA ! haha
I'm shocked !!!! my look like china girl ? haha ..
but , I dislike the lipstick . look like monkey's ass . :-S .
Thailand festival was held in FIRST WORLD . So , some decoration must be done there !
picc here !




outfit on that day :)))
I had brought HELLO KITTY'S KEYCHAIN .!!
haha , * collection more than before , oh yeah * haha
elaine had buying a converse bag ,
then yaya yee brought cartoon cushion !
when we were waiting check-in , they started gamble = = haha
I felt boring and sleepy , because I didn't whole night before going to GENTING !

finally we can check-in ! sleep is more important compare to others :) haha
woke up on 4.30 p.m , they still gambling = =

took bath with yaya yee ! haha

after that , going out for dinner !

we settle our dinner at foodcourt ! , not bad taste , damn nice :))))
next round : POOL N SNOOKER !
haha , really excited when I palying the pool , maybe is first time playing ! haha
I can shot two balls plus yeaa . !
next round : SING K .
haha . nahhh , you all can prove I'll and can sing K ! haha .
because I less sing even got go before ! * enjoying*
haha : D .
next round : SNOW WORLD .
felt cold , and I look ugly in the picture , !! shittyyyyy !!
when time around 11.30 .. we going back to hotel and started drinking beer !
on the way going back to hotel , we decide going to SAFARI DISCO ! haha
we are not bad girl , just wanna know how the look into the disco ..
plus saturday is lady night , lass not need pay money :))
but , yaya yee cannot go in , she is under age ! haha .
elaine and me just go in and have a look !
I really felt tired , the slept aroud 2.30 a.m.
simon and me slept in a king / queen size 's bed .
omg . elaine was no place can slept = = .. hahaha
woke up on 7.00 then go and see the sunrise !
is too beautiful ! amazinggggg .!
woke up on 9.30 again , started to keep our bag and ready to go !
HOTPOT be our breakfast and lunch !
then we played the bumbler car .
the trip was ended !
bye !!! haha .
enjoying ...................................... :)))
I love them !!!