在学院的时候,弄到我真的很紧张 , 要去银行申请户口。
要家人等我 , 我真的很过意不去,我是个不喜欢麻烦别人的人 。
今天却要他们等我 , 对不起 .
其中一件烦恼的事情解决 。 接下来就是明天了,
船到桥头自然直 ,希望这句话对我真的有用咯!
take it easy !
有时候 , 就是有种不知道该怎么形容的感觉 。
我知道 ,只有颖懿可以帮到我 ,
为什么你要住在那么远 , 我很想念你 。 因为你是我在kem里面最好的朋友。
好想念和你一起吃饼干咬tomato的日子 。
好想念和你每天洗衣服的日子 。
好想念你每次骂我不吃饭的时候 , 还有我每次提醒你带inhaler的时候。
你有忘记带在身上吗 ?
我知道的 ,可是现在我真的很烦恼 。 你,却离我好远好远 。
怎么好 ?
一大堆的事情快弄到我变恶魔了。application coolege 还有去工作的transport 还有bla bla bla ,快搞到我发神经了!
昨晚从BUKIT OUG会来了 ,为了的就是今天的application 。我很紧张,很怕ptptn 不prove给我 !到时候真的不知道该怎么半了。所以脾气就有点糟糕,妈妈问我多几句就发脾气了。*sorry* .我真的很烦。
还有的就是,不知要怎么回去OUG = = 我想搭巴士or ktm ,可是我不知道巴士站在哪里 。唉!!!怎么好??
才工作了第二个星期,在发现到读书是最好的 。 很自由,没有烦恼。反而工作的话,还要担心自己出错 !! 。 希望6月快点到,这样我就可以解脱拉 。
发泄完毕 。
一大堆的事情快弄到我变恶魔了。application coolege 还有去工作的transport 还有bla bla bla ,快搞到我发神经了!
昨晚从BUKIT OUG会来了 ,为了的就是今天的application 。我很紧张,很怕ptptn 不prove给我 !到时候真的不知道该怎么半了。所以脾气就有点糟糕,妈妈问我多几句就发脾气了。*sorry* .我真的很烦。
还有的就是,不知要怎么回去OUG = = 我想搭巴士or ktm ,可是我不知道巴士站在哪里 。唉!!!怎么好??
才工作了第二个星期,在发现到读书是最好的 。 很自由,没有烦恼。反而工作的话,还要担心自己出错 !! 。 希望6月快点到,这样我就可以解脱拉 。
发泄完毕 。
my gratz . :))
i'm failure .
昨天是拿成绩的一天,早上十点就回学校了。其实,我的成绩是怎样,我自己最清楚 。
1A ,5B ,4C .
可是,最让我失望的竟然是英文,平时可以拿A,可是却拿C+。一直问自己,为什么会这样的?还是我在做考题的时候写错了,还是我的程度只有那么低 ?
虽然是这样,我也很开心因为我的国语可以拿B ,sejarah 可以拿B, 华语可以拿C .因为我对这3科都不怎么喜欢,尤其是sejarah and bc 。每次考试都会喊救命!!哈哈。
拿了成绩,自然会有电话打进来。又得解释了。嗨 ~~~
i'm so sorry , can't did well . i know is my fault !
不过,最怕的还是爸爸 。
也是一句话 。 :“很差” ,嗨 ~~~
最伤心的还是自己的父母对我失望了, 不过也没有办法。我真的尽力了。
现在只是等form 6 开学吧。我没有其他的选择/
转不转校到时候再打算吧 ~~
昨天是拿成绩的一天,早上十点就回学校了。其实,我的成绩是怎样,我自己最清楚 。
1A ,5B ,4C .
可是,最让我失望的竟然是英文,平时可以拿A,可是却拿C+。一直问自己,为什么会这样的?还是我在做考题的时候写错了,还是我的程度只有那么低 ?
虽然是这样,我也很开心因为我的国语可以拿B ,sejarah 可以拿B, 华语可以拿C .因为我对这3科都不怎么喜欢,尤其是sejarah and bc 。每次考试都会喊救命!!哈哈。
拿了成绩,自然会有电话打进来。又得解释了。嗨 ~~~
i'm so sorry , can't did well . i know is my fault !
不过,最怕的还是爸爸 。
也是一句话 。 :“很差” ,嗨 ~~~
最伤心的还是自己的父母对我失望了, 不过也没有办法。我真的尽力了。
现在只是等form 6 开学吧。我没有其他的选择/
转不转校到时候再打算吧 ~~
chong's family outing !
hey ladies and gentlemen . chong's family have been outing today !
we were going to sg,wang and timesquare .
FML .shopping is my ❤ .

sister's lulu chong

bibby chong .

alibaba lee .

eldest sis - may chong .
erm . I have brought my LG USB .RM30.00


first time buy it . RM47.90
I still wondering worthly or not . because I never buy any BB cream before . My foundation have been use many years and feel is time to throw .. wahaha :D .
I like shop with them ,
somemore . my sister leg was cramp !
damn funny . OMG !

haha .. :))

do we look alike ?
can you tell me how to believe people now . I feel horror when I saw or face some problem . haiz .but I believe all my friends won't be betray me . right ?
忽然之间 ☎
we were going to sg,wang and timesquare .
FML .shopping is my ❤ .

sister's lulu chong

bibby chong .

alibaba lee .

eldest sis - may chong .
erm . I have brought my LG USB .RM30.00


first time buy it . RM47.90
I still wondering worthly or not . because I never buy any BB cream before . My foundation have been use many years and feel is time to throw .. wahaha :D .
I like shop with them ,
somemore . my sister leg was cramp !
damn funny . OMG !

haha .. :))

do we look alike ?
can you tell me how to believe people now . I feel horror when I saw or face some problem . haiz .but I believe all my friends won't be betray me . right ?
忽然之间 ☎
hello hello :D
In fact , I begrudge .

That's night , I had a small gathering with them :) My friend told me : " why you so quite ? why you so emo ?"I don't know .. actually I having some problem and moody at that day .. SO sorry to them . erm ,I'm so jealous who can enter to their favourite school / college . I got no choice and forcing enter FORM 6 . WHY ? it's my life turn ? haizz .. so , I more prefer at that moment and start whispering :( I text to ying yee and told her I'm not feeling well when I listen to them .. Ying Yee call me back and comfort me . SORRY my dear classmates , I doesn't mean you all not important to me ..You all still playing role in my entire life ! really .. I didn't tell any lies . maybe , we don't have cantact or look at each others in past few months . maybe I felt strange at that moment .. :)
yesterday , ching yan came to my house email some details to some job .. we had make some joke there . OMG ..hahaha "))
you don't know . :(
I get my new phone from my cousin , KE970 ,LG brand , GOLD color . :)
my great birthday present ! thx ! :)
15/3 : shopping day .
just now went to one utama shopping . YEA . have brought new washer and mask from THE FACE SHOP ! the total price : RM60. not so expensive :) I went into the MPH , there lots of my favourite *english novel /fiction * . I wish to buy them . but , I not yet finish my others two books . unlucky . buy it next time ^^ ..
I really hope can have some job in this incoming april . but some problem always make me cannot afford it !why ? why ? I'm not stubborn , I'm just need transport , why ? why you cannot fulfill what you said or promise . SIGH ! what can I do now . no transpot . why ? I really don't know ..
moody :(
my great birthday present ! thx ! :)
15/3 : shopping day .
just now went to one utama shopping . YEA . have brought new washer and mask from THE FACE SHOP ! the total price : RM60. not so expensive :) I went into the MPH , there lots of my favourite *english novel /fiction * . I wish to buy them . but , I not yet finish my others two books . unlucky . buy it next time ^^ ..
I really hope can have some job in this incoming april . but some problem always make me cannot afford it !why ? why ? I'm not stubborn , I'm just need transport , why ? why you cannot fulfill what you said or promise . SIGH ! what can I do now . no transpot . why ? I really don't know ..
moody :(
time really can change somethings ?
phone was quite since I back from PLKN .
why I'll felt 'cold ' ?
it's time let us change our friendship ?
I hope is my stubborn mind think to much ....where's the playful classmates ? where are you guys ? I wish our friendship still like before .
why I'll felt 'cold ' ?
it's time let us change our friendship ?
I hope is my stubborn mind think to much ....where's the playful classmates ? where are you guys ? I wish our friendship still like before .
hey hey hey .
Did you guys still remember me ?
yea , lad and lass .. I'm back from camp sinaran suria .
that's mean , my job had done .!

erm ..that was a memories for me and you . even I heavy-hearted to leave them . I wish I can stay with them last forever . but , it's not occur anymore ~
12/3/2011 . our closing ceremony .
all of us attended this event . I'm shocked when I knew our kompeni get numerous of hamber! although we can't get the award !but , we're enjoying ^^
at night . camp organise retro night for us ..
I know all the wira and wirawati show their best at the night . *the last night for us *

my pretty girl , the best friend I never ever meet before ..
love you and miss you ..
i will remember what you said !
I love you , ying yee .. haha ..
yea , lad and lass .. I'm back from camp sinaran suria .
that's mean , my job had done .!

erm ..that was a memories for me and you . even I heavy-hearted to leave them . I wish I can stay with them last forever . but , it's not occur anymore ~
12/3/2011 . our closing ceremony .
all of us attended this event . I'm shocked when I knew our kompeni get numerous of hamber! although we can't get the award !but , we're enjoying ^^
at night . camp organise retro night for us ..
I know all the wira and wirawati show their best at the night . *the last night for us *

my pretty girl , the best friend I never ever meet before ..
love you and miss you ..
i will remember what you said !
I love you , ying yee .. haha ..
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