

was finished my FINAL, well. just try my best =)
MAY been my hectic month again, but now free from busy. end of exam, end of semester, i feel like lifeless now. 

one of my lab activity, I just cant stop laughing when I review back on those pictures. the game was awesome and made us totally enjoyed and mad. haha =) 
I remember, everyday we stay school from morning until everning and super tired. 
my body totally can felt that tiredness and powerless. 

people were celebrating mother's day for their mommy, but for me was celebrating sister's day.
my mom is kind of active and love to sing people, so at the end she choose to sing instead of having dinner with us. 
plus, the kid was dated sister and me long time ago!=) haha.
such a good chill night for us. =) 

 a short date or gossip chat with my brother! never felt bored to chat with you. you are the best for me, always! my 13 years friendship, kind of coincident, we have the same surname. haha. expecting for our next date yooo :p hehehehehe.

 sister and me were too stressed up for our finals and too many things in house can attract us and made us can't stay focused. so, just went to starbucks and that day was having 50% promotion, so its worth la. =) i'm coffee lover, especially latte and cuppacino. I love bitter taste instead of those sweet taste.hahaha.

 starbucks again!
this month I had been drink three cups of starbucks. LOL.HAHA
Le shortly date with my friend. a memorable day indeed!!
I not use to bring someone to my home through phone, because jinjang road just so COMPLICATED!!
before that, I was lost myself in jinjang just because I dont know to differentiate the way which been passed. so just round and round and feel like playing hide and seek!=.=
haha. I asked him called me when he reached temple, so just lead him and talk slowly to him. lastly, he still can't find it out and wait me at somewhere. haha.
I remembered he always want to give up and frustrated.!
thought can watch on time, but we still late for that movie. then we just wait for the next showtime.
so, he just brought me to starbucks again! hahaha.
a cup of ice latte just made my day! :D \
anyways, that day I really happy and enjoyed the moment.
maybe its long time didn't watch movie already,
I never forget how mad am I and how frequently I went to cinema last time, but now well. just hard to happen again. :p
Thank you so much! waiting for our next movie, hope you can make your words.

 a lovely weekend spent with my prince and princess!
I study until so bored and brought my cousin's kid to desa park city.
they love dogs and can named all the dogs species.
my cute baby. love you always.
what they said totally can make you laugh and happy.

'locked' myself in starbucks again. but I choose choco cuppocinate just bit of disappointed. maybe I just dislike the taste of milk. its strong and made me felt yukkyyyy. hahah. 
study until tired and went to the body shop bought some body butter, I totally fall on it even was my first time to use their product. it quite oily when apply it on my skin, but I still can feel that moist until the next day. my skin was kinda dry and sensitive. and now allergy happened on my thumb again. =(

my body never be so perfect!
last time was having constipation and cause to intestinal   inflammation. 
and this time was my T12 not enough strong, and cause my right side tummy supper pain. It will started pain when I stand longer time. so shit of my body!!! :S
after three days of final exam, dada.
I free from exam and having my one week holiday.
my school so stingy and never give us more than that.
well, I just hope can fully relaxed myself and in a peace mood.
I dont feel want to go anywhere, just hope my mind and brain can be clean and clear, so I have enough storage for my next semester, haha.. :D

oh yeah. have a good day and night! :")



the darkest side. I never care about the election, how the politic going on. but this time really influencing me! and I felt sad, angry and upset about the result and how their conduct those dirty tricks.
to be honest, I felt ashamed. I love malaysia and all the culture. the only thing was the election. ish!
stay until 1.++am and my body totally k.o.
today, wake up as usual and plan to go class.
the whole jalan kuching and jalan ipoh were so peaceful and no jam at all.
I couldn't believe it was monday morning.
usually it will be super jam .
class until 2.++ pm and felt guilty because of me dint finish tutorials :(
felt bad ;( and so sorry .




4月我都忙,忙着学校的功课,extra class。 
psychiatry class,新的lecturer 真的很好,都在为我们办活动,这样将来我们去实习的时候才不会一头乱。
办过许多的活动,最记得的是“domestic class"! 因为都不会煮东西,所以到最后.....难堪。 

suppernanny 这个节目,真的叙说出problem children。真的很够力!



* 老实说,过去的3月,4月。真的每天都在depress,negative的心情过日子。不知道为什么会那么的去在乎一个已经不怎么在乎自己的人。因为对方的一个的小动作,一个update就心痛;照理说,应该是完全痊愈了,毕竟事情也过了那么久。或许就不应该去相信对方说过的一切,因为痛苦真的只有自己。那所谓的一切,慢慢也成为分开的借口。一个别人听了也觉得无奈的借口。或许,我也有错。或许,我不像其他女生那样,或许我就是你不想要的那样。或许,一开始就是错,或许,你的一时好感,或许,只是我的一厢情愿。生日的前一晚,天真的以为会受到生日祝福。电话也开着wifi,在等,在期待着简单的生日快乐。我真的好天真哦。第二天起来察看,没有。一等再等,也没有。在家就一直说,为什么没有的,一直念,妈妈也忍不住了。到了晚上,已经不是我的生日了,原来真的没有,那感觉也无比的难受。真的很难过。失落感。毕竟是女生,怎么都会有那么的期待。再怎么不舍得也要放手,不应该再去纠缠了。不能也不应该了。不能再回忆着过去了,那只是回忆,回忆真的不会变,唯有人都在变了。我们都在成长,都是在变着。或许,时间,或许地方的不一样;让我们大家都会有距离。我承认,我真的对这段情是真的。的的确确放完真感情下去。所以说嘛,你一认真,你就输了。我输了该有的自尊。我输掉了我的快乐。但,我赢回了家人的爱,家人的关心。我赢回了,我身边还有很多关心自己的人,我更应该的是,让我觉悟了,更加要学会自我保护。我,其实很幸福。*
